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A Misconception

A Misconception

31 August 2016

FOIBLE - a minor weakness in character or behaviour. According to the dictionary definition.

You may choose to accept this definition.

But what if you decide not to accept something given from unknown energies of the past written as absolutes to guide and provide a manual for life’s learnings.

What if you choose to step away from MASS CONSCIOUSNESS energy and step into your individual magnificently powerful energy that has everything you need for this life times experience simply because you chose the MANUAL for you and what’s more it’s completely different to every other human Being on the planet !

If you are choosing to be a part of mass consciousness energy then you are choosing to read the wrong manual… mass consciousness energy has no concept of the magnificence of your individual soul Being.

What a reason to celebrate !

As human beings we have FOIBLES but contrary to the short sighted dictionary definition which has limited knowledge of the truth of who we are as energetic beings we can choose to change that definition and view our foibles as a particular energy we created to guide us to understanding Self.

Then the definition would read …   FOIBLE - an essentially loving human characteristic chosen by soul in co hoots with personality to provide valuable energy of development for this life experience.

Or simply …. FOIBLE - one of the many faces of love. An essential characteristic of the human Being.

How beautiful the energy is now and how the dictionary is only one area of misconception when we choose to remember and take responsibility for our energetic nature.

We choose our foibles for each lifetime and therefore the definition becomes a gift.

Can you entertain the concept of a foible being a positive energy as opposed to the common definition in the dictionary which says - a minor weakness or failing of character.

If we choose to accept a judgement from external sources without challenge as powerful individual Beings then we limit who we truly are.


Step away from the energy of MASS CONSCIOUSNESS thinking … only you can know the special powerful individual you are … YOU own the MANUAL.

Suggestion two…..

OPEN IT … it’s really Beautiful !