I recall as a child slipping from time to time into another reality....
I was aware of a feeling of not belonging in the family I had chosen for this incarnation…. not through lack of love or not being welcomed but simply because I felt uncomfortable in the slot allotted me within the family. I came to understand this feeling as the Uniqueness of my Being and that at some point I would need to honour my uniqueness to facilitate the understanding of the path I had chosen to tread.
Challenging circumstances growing up became the gift I needed in order to question and pursue further Who I Be. Happiness was fleeting and dependent upon external circumstances yet within was a persuasive awareness urging me to explore the next step of my journey …..something so powerful that guided and lifted me to understand life was more than what it appeared to be.
I came to understand this as my inner Knowing and connection to All That Is.
I began my professional career as an infant/primary teacher unaware whilst studying at college that glimpses of the truth of my chosen path were beginning to unfold.
Philosophy and Psychology were not new to me simply an acknowledgement a Knowing of another time of Being…. my heart would register this recognition.
Yoga discipline and philosophy practiced to an advanced level served to reinforce this recognition and through meditation an innate remembering of the Energetic body and connection to Universal Consciousness opened up a vista of memories to explore.
Diligence to my inner journey brought fruition and in 2007 I realised with clarity I had reached a major stepping stone along the path…. a calling to Tuscany Italy.
Willingness to follow through produced insight into this very important stepping stone.
Life was to change dramatically.
I would now begin to understand my purpose with clarity.
Tuscany provided the backdrop to delve more deeply within … to reconnect to memories and energies from the past and to begin to develop the practice and theory of a system of healing and teachings I had known…. an ancient highly evolved spiritual frequency and vibrational healing system.
My sojourn in Italy was by far the most testing period but with it came the greatest achievements in understanding Self and the work I was about to step into.
Italy remains an invaluable energy for the work I do with people.
Reflecting on feelings experienced many years ago I recall a Knowing of my purpose… to nurture the Human Spirit…. now with certainty I am delighted to have this opportunity to assist others to realise their purpose.
As a Facilitator of Universal Teachings and Healing I feel honoured to be of assistance to those who seek to develop through the understanding of SELF.
From childhood and education in England ….I ventured to Queensland Australia to teach for one year soon realising it would become my home for many years …and so to Italy for two years …
….. I presently have my base in Dorset UK.
...to recognise and respect they are our teachers and assistants in restoring balance and harmony to the planet is to feel and live once again from…. the Heart energy of Who You Be…. the natural evolution of self and that of the planet.
Global evidence of Natural Conservation is testament to a longing for balance to be restored between humanity and the elemental world and a return to a time of peace…. love and co-operation.
As individuals choosing conscious awareness we observe the magic of the Natural World supporting….guiding…conveying clear messages to assist us to understand the strength of our connection to the unconditional nature of Universal Consciousness.
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