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29 September 2016

Initially the realisation that our life could have been quite different if only we had spotted the illusion sooner is one of those Oh no! moments. Followed by much justification usually to no avail.

But don’t despair the energy of the New Consciousness is waiting to assist …

and soon you’ll be purring cute little vibes all over again with clear awareness and knowing.

Within the next few conversations I aim to answer some of the common questions being asked by individuals coming to The Pattern of Eternity for the first time. All questions are appropriate and valuable. This is the nature of the new era and the essence of how you will begin to understand a new consciousness … the key is in the word NEW.

Remember we have entered a new consciousness and therefore change is essential …. in some respects it will turn the world you once knew upside down.

Energy… vibration… frequency … these words you will begin to hear more and more in every aspect of every day life. These words aptly describe life itself. Every human being vibrates at a particular frequency of energy.

Much more to be said on that topic!

But for this Conversation I wish to clarify a few practical details. In the Development section of the site you will notice that sessions and meetings are offered in person or via the Internet. Internet sessions are becoming popular and practical in our daily life enabling us to achieve the many essential activities we need to fit into what seems like a very short day. If you have noticed time speed up then you are aware we have switched to the higher vibration of the New Consciousness.

Understandably Internet meetings can be daunting initially if you are not used to meeting in this way. I would like to diffuse some of the fear and apprehension around this.

Firstly it is important to note that if you are considering a session for the first time I would suggest a short meeting by phone. This gives the opportunity to meet the energy as it were …. you will begin to feel and know why you have felt a connection to the energy and therefore more confident in your decision. Some people will not feel they need the initial phone call it is entirely a personal choice.

GoToMeeting is the system I use for Internet sessions. It is a professional reliable and easy to use connection and is available to use on tablet smart phone Mac and PC.

If you prefer to phone it offers this option also so if you are not comfortable with the Internet situation phoning is perfect too…. the energy remains exactly the same.

If you are new to Internet sessions then you will find this system very simple to connect to. 

Requesting a session via email or phone introduction is the first step. After booking your session you will be sent an Invitation to join my meeting along with the session invoice. If you have additional questions about the session process please email or phone I am always happy to clarify and meet with you by phone.

In the next Conversation I will be talking more about group sessions and in particular a small course of introduction which can also be used as a prerequisite to the main course work if you are considering this at a later date.

I look forward to all of our associations.